Friday, August 14, 2009

The Reptile Exterminators

The Reptile Exterminators
by Vanilla Vox

"We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions. Forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples." [Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich, Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, January 12, 1952.]

“The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race...” [Dr. Noah Ignatiev, Jewish Professor at Harvard University]

“The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.” [Dr. Noah Ignatiev, Jewish Professor at Harvard University]

The preceding quotes are a sample of many more that evince an international program of white genocide—the murder of the entire white race carried out by Jewish Socialism under the subterfuge of multiculturalism. For decades the leaders of world Jewry (Zionism) have openly called for the extermination of the white race. They have carried out their genocide almost unchallenged. Any who oppose the genocide of the white race are labeled as “Nazis” or “anti-semites.” Yet only whites are semites! Jews are not semites!

If the reader was not aware of these statements it is a testament to the success of Jewish-run revisionist history and mis-education: brainwashing.

When a group of people openly call for the heads of all whites and declare a program to exterminate your entire race, is it “racist” for you to protest?

When a group of liars demonize anyone who opposes a program of slow genocide, is it “extremist” just because you protest the party line?

When many Jews have openly stumped for the murder of your whole race because they hate your skin and your God (Jesus), is it “hate speech” to expose their intentions to murder your people? Who is guilty of hate speech—the one calling for extermination of a race, or the one defending his race from death?

In an imaginary world invented to keep you docile and controlled, you are told that race does not matter and only “racists” care about race. Yet the very people feeding you this pap fully intend to exterminate your race! “The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.” [Dr. Noah Ignatiev, Jewish Professor at Harvard University]

To add pomp to their arrogance the Jewish “thinkers” cry “anti-semitism” and “hate speech” when anyone points out the Jews' genocide program. Jews falsely claim they are the victims of genocide, complete with violin music and nostalgic references to the holocaust. This psychopolitical brainwashing is geared to divert attention from the Jews who are organizing and carrying out a holocaust against the white race.

The sniveling, spineless Judeo-Christians of America refuse to admit to the obvious program of genocide, preferring to call their Jewish oppressors, “God's chosen people” when the Jews never were God's chosen. Jesus the Christ said of the Jews, “Ye are of your father the Devil...” Genesis 3:15 states the serpent will have children, or seed: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed...”

When the demons who run the presses and air waves simultaneously call themselves victims while plotting the ruin of your country, is it “anti-semitic” to point out their treasonous and warlike activities?

Why is truth branded as “hate speech” or “anti-semitic?”

It's called deception—that's why. The first law of war is deception. And since the Jews have declared war on our country and our race, they use the first tactic of deception to convince us they are the victims. That's the ultimate scam!

Most so-called Christians don't actually study the bible. They listen to an establishment-approved “pastor” who was educated at a Jew-run school as he “interprets” the bible according to Jewish theology. Yet Americans never really study the bible and vet it with common sense. This ignorance of biblical truth coupled with a false satanic gospel of personal salvation is the major reason for the American decline.

Genesis 3:15 states that the serpent would have children who are enemies of Adam's children: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” This obvious literal statement is “spritualized” to mean nothing by Jewish theologians posing as Christian pastors.

Most pastors will not even touch the question, “Who is the seed of the serpent?”

So who is it? Jesus said, “Ye are of your father the Devil...” It is vital to know who he was speaking to: the Edomite Jews.

In an age where praising the virtues of the white man is a thought crime, the truth will be shouted from the housetops. The white race, and only the white race, are the descendants of Adam, and descendants of Israel, through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

If one does not know this fact he obviously has not really studied the bible.

Countless times throughout history the white race has built thriving and cosmopolitan civilizations with advanced agriculture that could feed far more than the numbers of their own civilizations. No other race has ever accomplished this at any time. God told Adam he would till the ground. Who has been tilling the ground, and expertly so? White Man.

Countless times in history the white race has built civilizations and those civilizations have been razed to the ground by the influx of other races. People don't understand what causes the collapse of civilization--race mixing--because they are being indoctrinated by the education and media systems that are controlled by a mixed race--the Edomite Jews.

To point out this fact is called, "racism." We are supposed to believe the propaganda that there is no difference between the races. We are supposed to believe that the Jews who are destroying our country are "God's chosen race."

Yet nowhere does the bible identify the Jews as God's people. It identifies them repeatedly as the descendants of Lucifer.

The era of this lie, this "doctrine of sameness," and this "Chozenite" fairy-tale, is about to end. The truth shall be known—the white, Caucasian, Germanic, and kindred peoples are the descendants of Israel. They are the ones chosen by God Almighty to show forth his glory.

The white man is constantly dehumanized, victimized, and pilloried by the dark-skinned and mixed-race freeloaders of the world. The white man is being educated in his own schools to hate his own race and to embrace the filthy nature and culture of his dark-skinned attackers who have never contributed anything lasting or significant to progress of civilization.

Why does the white man build civilization while the other races leech and ruin it? Look at the influx of illegal Mexicans flooding into the United States. They are literally destroying the fabric of American culture and stability.

The white man is descended from Adam, created in the image of God Almighty. The white man has His characteristics of creativity and order. The other races do not. Adam is from the Hebrew word, “aw-dawm” which means “to show blood in the face, or rosy complexion.” Only the white man has this physical trait.

The other races are the mixed seed of Lucifer and the fallen angels--inborn with a hatred of the children of Adam. The book of Genesis talks about the fallen angels breeding with the daughters of men—creating mongrel races, hybrids, completely outside of the will and order of God.

The original Americans kenned these facts. That is why they believed Negroes were inferior. That is why they enforced segregation. Today segregation is touted as a "racist evil." Actually, segregation prevented the other races from destroying American civilization. Since the end of segregation, view the results--America is in a freefall to total destruction. Race-mixing is epidemic. Crime is rampant. And the Jews laugh all the way to the bank.

As soon as apartheid segregation was ended in South Africa, the country has plummeted into chaos and corruption. South Africa is well on its way to joining Rhodesia, the land of human hamburger. Coincidence? Hardly.

The watchmen on the wall are heralding the gospel of the Kingdom to the descendants of Israel, being the White, Nordic, Aryan, Caucasian, Germanic, Celtic and Kindred Peoples.

The White, Adamic man is waking up to see his true identity. The white race are the descendants of Adam. The other races are NOT descended from Adam. They are foreign. They are mixed-race descendants of the "fallen angels." They don't belong with the white race: “Now it came to pass, when they had heard the law, that they separated from Israel all the mixed multitude.” [Nehemiah 13:3]

In Nehemiah 13:3, "Mixed multitude" is translated from the Hebrew word, "aw-rawp" which literally means, "mongrel race." So they separated from Israel all the "mongrel race" multitude.

Yet modern Jews, who are admittedly a mixed-race breed, would have you believe they are the children of Israel. They are descended not from Israel, but from his brother Esau, who married Hittite women and created mongrel offspring.

The only non-mixed race on earth is the white race. As soon as a white man mixes with another race, the white pigmentation is permanently lost. So also is the white character of order and creativity. The surest way to destroy civilization is to encourage race-mixing, or racial confusion. This is Babel, which literally means "mixture" or "confusion."

The white man is the only builder of civilization. He is the king of agriculture. He plants fields and cities in a manner and scale unmatched by any other race. He is different than the other races. God made him different. He is the Constant Gardener, in the image and likeness of Almighty God.

The Jews are not God's chosen people. The Jews, so-called, have destroyed every white nation that has ever let them on the soil. The Jews are the seed of the serpent: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” [Genesis 3:15]

The chosen people of the covenant consist of the Aryan Nations, the nations of the White Man.

A reading of the Bible shows the other races were never invited into this covenant and never can be. They are outsiders, foreigners--and ever hostile to the white race. Every time the white civilization has let them in the gates, they have destroyed the civilization. Examples include, Egypt, Rome, Assyria, Parthia, Persia, The British Empire, and the United States.

The age of multiculturalism is coming to a close. The race-mixing has weakened American culture so far that social collapse is imminent. The white man who keeps it all together is displaced from his leadership by conniving international Jewry and their mongrel cohorts. This displacement of the white race will result in global economic and industrial collapse greater than any witnessed in history.

While the mongrels believe they have stolen power all they have done is destroy the host that provides their sustenance—thus their power will fall rapidly. We shall say, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen.”

This is not white supremacy. It is biblical truth that has been hidden by the conniving and contrivance of Jewish supremacy and Jewish apartheid.

The vast majority of all influential members of Congress, the Senate, and Bureaucratic, Banking, and Industry charlatans are JEWS. Just name them and see: Pelosi, Frank, Boxer, Emmanuel, Obama, Bush--all racially mixed Jews. The lion's share of Reagan's cabinet appointees were Jews. The majority of Poppy Bush's cabinet appointees were Jews or Zionists. The majority of G.W. Bush's cabinet appointees were Jews or Zionists. Coincidence?

This is what happens when a white nation is infiltrated by other races, especially the Khazar Edomite Jew. They did the exact same thing in Jesus' day. The Jews assassinated the white king of Judah, John Hyrcanus, and installed a Jew, Herod. The rest is history. By 70 a.d. the entire civilization collapsed and was sacked by Rome. Then Rome allowed millions of “immigrants” in and it collapsed. Coincidence?

Millions of illegal Mexican aliens are encouraged to flood across the United States' borders by Jewish policy because Mexicans are generally all part Jewish or at least sympathetic to the cause to exterminate white America. The Conquistadors and Jesuits inserted their mongrelized Jew seed into that population for over a hundred years. They are racially sympathetic to the aims of the International Jew. If you've heard of La Raza or Reconquista you can see this manifesting politically. Like the International Jew, they want to take America from the White Man. They're all a bundle of communists and zionists bent on raping and pillaging this country.

Think “banker bailouts” and view the Jewish fingerprints all over that money-laundering operation. Does the Jew-ball Madoff ring a bell? The banker bailouts were a much larger “Madoff-with-the-loot” scam.

The Jews are amassing a brown army in a bid to exterminate the white race in our own homeland. They are racists and extremists, and they want to murder whitey. And while robbing and destroying whitey, if he protests, he is labeled as the intolerant "racist." Just bend over and take it, whitey, or you are the racist. As the Jews and their cohorts oppress the white race, they call their white victims the racists and oppressors.

But by the promises and might of Almighty God, we will prevail. We are his children, his chosen race, his royal priesthood, his peculiar people. We are the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And he will save us.

Here is what the bible says about the fate of the bloodthirsty Edomite Jews. Remember that the Jews self-identify as the children of Esau or Edom: “And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.”



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