Friday, August 14, 2009

Hitler Saved Europe from Jewish Genocide

Hitler Saved Europe from Jewish Genocide
by Vanilla Vox

The Soviet Dictator and butcher, Josef Stalin was a Jew. The Bolshevik revolution was run by Jews. The soviet union was founded by Jews. These Jews exterminated over 120 million white people in the Soviet Union.

Adolph Hitler saved most of Europe from Joseph Stalin. If Hitler had not run these Jews out of Europe, think of the tens of millions, if not another 100 million Europeans whom these Jews would have murdered in their gulags and firing squads.

And it is these same Jews' bastard children who ball and carry on about the German "holocaust." Even if the holocaust were true, the bloodthirsty Soviet Jews still would make Hitler look like an amateur.

But these same Jews don't tell you that almost all who died in the holocaust were Germans, and not Jews at all. The Jews had already been deported by Hitler. Most of the people in the NAZI work camps were ethnic Germans--not Jews!

But you are supposed to believe that six million Jews were gassed and incinerated in WWII. In fact, the current Jew-controlled German government will imprison anyone who questions the holocaust fairy-tale, as they have imprisoned Ernst Zundel.

If the holocaust is true, why does the tale need a prison sentence to validate its veracity? [ ]

If the holocaust occurred as the mainstream states, why is the threat of imprisonment held like a Damocles Sword over the head of any who dare question it?

If Hitler gassed and incinerated six million Jews, why is it illegal to question the evidence?

Adolph Hitler saved most of Europe from Joseph Stalin, the bloodthirsty Jewish Communist who exterminated over a hundred million white people.

Meditate on this thought. Hitler, held up as a madman, successfully saved Western Europe from the bloody mass murders of Stalin and his Jewish Bolsheviks, who managed to exterminate over 120 million whites.

And yet Hitler is held up as the poster child of atrocity, while the Jewish Stalin, who caused a hundred times more deaths than Hitler could dream of, is hardly mentioned, except to be touted by Jews as a hero.

Jews love communism because communism kills whites as a matter of policy.

You hear about all the deaths in German work camps, and you are told these deaths were Jews dying. The truth is, most of the people who died were Germans. The official Red Cross numbers of Jewish dead in WWII Germany was less than 300 thousand—most from diseases such as Typhus.

The bigger the lie, and the more often you repeat it, the more people love it.
Adolph Hitler was not the genocidal madman we've been led to believe. He was Time Magazine's man of the year, proudly displayed on the front cover of Time. Two years later he was touted as an evil dictator. Why the switch?

Because the change in perception benefitted the Jews.

These statements are merely an introduction to the subject of biblical and historical truth that has been hidden by generations of technical brainwashing. To get the facts, references, and documents that prove all these points, further study is required. Many resources will be listed in the bibliography. The seeker of truth bears his own responsibility for doing the research to debunk and uproot Jewish lies planted in his own mind.

Those not willing to do further study are lazy oafs and not worthy of God's Kingdom. Those willing to seek the truth will find it, and be set free.

The newbie to this subject should download and listen to the following free podcasts. These podcasts are FREE, and one does NOT need to register to download them. Using your podcast client or RSS feed software, just follow the RSS link on the main page for each TalkShoe Show:

Voice of Christian Israel

Christogenos, with Greek Expert, William Finck

Secondly, one should study the scriptures and the reference material at these web sites:

Thirdly, one should spread the truth by telling family and friends, and by sharing these resources all over the Internet, in discussion forums, mailing lists, and by writing his own articles.

The white race will come out on top in the end. But in the meantime it is up to those who hear Yahweh's voice to minimize the casualties by spreading the truth and further separating the wheat from the tares.

Two areas of study will peel the layers of Jewish lies from the American mind.

Firstly, one should study the true identity of Israel. This is often referred to as “Christian Identity” but in truth it is basic biblical Christianity. A good place to get started is

Secondly, one should study the truth about Adolph Hitler and the holocaust. One should learn that the holocaust is “shoahbiz” and a propaganda tool to provide the racist Jews cover as “international victims” while they loot all the nations. An exhaustive resource for exposing the religion of “holocaustianity” is



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